Thursday, January 7, 2010

Yet Again.. a time for promises!

it was the last day of 2009. And like most people I know i was in a contemplative mood.. What was the last year all about? What did I learn? What have I accomplished? What opportunities did I miss? Honestly, on the professional front things seemed pretty dim! .. Peanuts for increments, too much work, no promotions as per policy this year.. blah blah blah ! But before I got too depressed, I decided to shift gears and look at the personal front !... Things were brighter this side.... ! Assets had been added, Relations had been rebuild, Old differences resolved...Very encouraging!.. Infact at the end of the exercise, it low downs from work didnt seem heavy enough to outweigh the wins here! I think I realized that may be things that we eventually plan out or give least of our time to, seem to matter more in the long run.... So this I decided things would be different.. While I refrained from a resolution (It just doesnt work for me)... I did plan to shuffle priorities a bit and work out a regime...! This year "I PROMISE TO NOT PROMISE".... instead "I COMMIT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!"
Some must dos for this year .... be Loud..,, Sing Loudly, Laugh Loudly... but subtle; when cribbing, crying or criticizing .... Read more, do things u didnt do in a long time (like whistle, paint, make a collage).. Live with Hope, Faith and Love ... Making each day a new day.....


  1. You said it rightly...when we make promises,we hardly try to keep them up(New yr res...)but when we commit ourselves...we make them happen...I wish you Happy blogging..Looking forward for your regular 'come alive' "Yet Again...a time for promises!

  2. Good one always you write well
